How to Play with RTC Modules
The following article is a simple guide lets you get time and calendar functions with a real time clock chip and microcontroller. Hopefully this entryway can help you to walk through your own project ideas […]
The following article is a simple guide lets you get time and calendar functions with a real time clock chip and microcontroller. Hopefully this entryway can help you to walk through your own project ideas […]
So I have this Tiny Chirp, when you power it up, an indicator wakes up and it does a sequence of wonderful chirps! First, you need one active piezo-buzzer (i.e. the type with a built-in […]
Want to keep your laptop/notebook securely? Introduced here is the idea of a simple yet effective laptop/notebook antitheft alarm device with a security cable that fits in the USB port of the laptop/notebook. The security […]
I was following some sellers on the internet, searching a lot more, to get a few difficult-to-get components for some other electronics projects I was planning, and then stumbled haply on a do it yourself […]
Here’s a nice little project of a quick servo tester with Arduino Nano (v3) microcontroller board. Another key part in this basic project is a cheap Arduino Nano(v3) expansion shield. The hardware setup is extremely […]
Any electronics experimenter can connect an analog sensor to a microcontroller and run it with the help of a piece of code. Sometimes there’s a reason to provide a clean digital signal input to the […]
In this episode, you can see a simple yet reliable idea to build your own pulse drop detector circuit which is nothing but a configurable dual-monostable setup tailored for some distinct real-world applications. The given […]
Here’s a simple Arduino Tachometer project for measuring and displaying speed of rotation. You can find similar projects everywhere on the web but this one has some unique features. First off, the idea is based […]
Perhaps, the most ideal rechargeable battery chemistry for industrial electronics today is the LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) battery. This newer type of lithium solution is inherently non-combustible and best known for its strong safety profile […]
Lady Beetle LED is nothing but a little automatic model toy light, may be a nice Xmas gift for your loved companion. Here’s its tried and tested circuit diagram: As you can see, the circuit […]