Micro Cooling Fan Governor

The Digispark Attiny85 development board is not only for novices – it’s also a tiny but great microcontroller development board for matured electronicists. Sure, the Digispark board offers almost everything you need i.e. digital I/Os […]

An Isolated Power MOSFET Switch

I volunteered to design a simple and inexpensive isolated power mosfet switch to control some electric loads by a ‘pulsed’ low-voltage input signal. There are of course superb solid state relays (SSRs) that we could […]

Rotary Encoder Primer

There seems to be a lot of confusion among electronics hobbyists about how a rotary encoder (knob) works and how to use it with electronics projects. Today, we’ll be examining a very cheap and easily […]

Compact Anti-Snatch Alarm

In this article you can see an ultra simple circuit of a lightweight, truly portable, and compact anti-snatch alarm. This trembler alarm is battery operated and features a tone generator capable of drawing quick attention […]

USB 12V Cable Review

One issue that has caught quite a few electronics hobbyists out when they build simple projects on a breadboard is the selection of a right power supply source. The most popular MB-102 breadboard comes with […]