Electronic Circuits

In this section you will learn and build simple electronic circuits projects. You will make interesting analog electronic circuits useful in daily life. Moreover, you will know electronic circuit design using circuit elements.

The circuits include home made electronic circuits, hobbyist circuits and prototypes.

Articles Written 252

Electric Aroma Burner/Diffuser

Aroma burners/diffusers let the air around you deliver revitalizing and refreshing fragrance to your home/office interiors. This article guides you through the simple process of making your own electric aroma burner/diffuser. Gathering requisite components First […]

Simple Neon Glow Bulb Tester

Neon glow bulb is a nostalgic decorate lamp everybody seems to love. A small version is used still mainly as neon indicator light, also called pilot light, in electric/electronic instruments and appliances as a neon […]

DTDC Switch for Outdoor/Street Lamp

Recently many readers demanded a simple automatic dusk-to-dawn controller (DTDC) electric switch circuit for real world outdoor/street lighting applications. I looked all the day and finally designed and built this little circuit based on easily […]

DFR Turbidity Sensor Review & Thoughts

Turbidity sensors are widely used to measure the amount of suspended particles (turbidity) of the wash water in washing machines and dishwashers. In principle, turbidity sensor consists of an optical diode and optical transistor and […]

Jog LED Marker Light

If you’re looking for the circuit of a running / jogging light up wristband, here’s a tried and tested design without a microcontroller. Even though the design presented here is based on traditional (leaded) components, […]

Rechargeable Power LED Torch

A few readers demanded to see one simple circuit of a rechargeable power white LED torch that can be charged through a regular electrical outlet. Alright, here’s the circuit diagram of a simple yet useful […]