By T.K. Hareendran

International Electronic Design Freelancer • Technical Author • Hardware βeta Tester • Product Reviewer
Articles Written 466

Arduino Larson Scanner

This is the simple way to play with a Larson Scanner. Just buy a Larson Scanner kit like the one shown above and start up the system. This quite popular open-source hardware 9-LED Larson Scanner […]

Solar LED Book Light

You never know what kind of funny gizmos you’ll find online, especially when you’ve a bunch of notifications configured to go off when such wonders pop up. I even find myself searching for something despite […]

Poor man’s Lost Model Alarm (LMA)

Ever lost your radio-controlled aircraft in a jungly field? Well, even a simple lost model alarm detects its location. Following is a couple of design ideas for making your own poor man’s lost model alarm […]

A Mighty LED Flasher

I still believed electronics hobby can be promoted through the application of nostalgic components and circuits. This is a meek try to inspire someone learning and experimenting with basic electronics circuits, or to wake up […]

LM2596S Module – A Trivial Tale

There are different types of cheap Chinese dc-dc buck converter modules. The most popular module still widely available is one with the LM2596S adjustable regulator, it’s a pretty old design,  though. You can buy this […]

Aquarium Cooler Fan

A while back I made a mighty aquarium cooler fan which initially was going to have an Arduino microcontroller to control the automatic cooling system but I moved to a Digispak board when I found […]